“The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.” Galatians 5:6

Welcome to Love, the Only Thing
I am seeking to please God in my daily life. The song below is my prayer.
Please help me, Lord, right where I am,
Help me to live the life You’ve planned
I see the lost and hurting souls
I want to help but I don’t know, I want to help but I don’t know
What I should do, what I should say
Please, help me, Lord, show me the way
To be Your hands, to be Your feet
So they can see Your light in me, so they can see Your light in me
A life that honors You is what I seek
Living each day for You and not for me
A life that honors You is what I seek
Living each day for You and not for me
My good intentions go astray
Busy distractions fill my days
How can I hear You when You speak
When all I do is about me, when all I do is about me
A life that honors You is what I seek
Living each day for You and not for me
A life that honors You is what I seek
Living each day for You and not for me
Please help me, Lord, I’m starting now to walk with You and finish well, to walk with You and finish well.