When I finished praying today, in my head I was thinking, “Wow! That was a good prayer… I prayed for my spouse, my kids, my family, my neighbors…I prayed for everyone in the hospital. I prayed for my job and my church. I prayed for the lost. I prayed for specific people who are hurting. That was a really good prayer.” I was pretty much patting myself on the back for the prayer I had just prayed.
And then immediately I felt God ask me, “But were you still? Did you listen for Me to speak? Did you ask Me to reveal Myself to you? Did you give Me a turn, or did you do all the talking?”

We can have the best intentions. We can pray for others. We can pray for so many different things. But God also wants us…no, He COMMANDS us to be still.
Our time is precious to us. We are always so busy. When we take the time to be still, God sees our sacrifice. He sees our commitment to Him. He sees our faith. He can do more in five minutes of us being still, than we can do in a week trying to accomplish things on our own.
You may think that you don’t have time to be still and let God speak. But friends, it is so very important. God wants to have a relationship with you, and a GOOD relationship has communication. God wants to hear your prayers, but He also wants you to hear Him.
There is also a peace that follows when we practice, “Be still, and know that I am God.” Problems that we are facing no longer seem impossible.
Have you lost a loved one? God says, “Be still, and know that I am God.”
Are you having problems with your spouse or your children? God says, “Be still, and know that I am God.”
Are you struggling financially? God says, “Be still, and know that I am God.”
Are you or someone you love facing a serious illness? God says, “Be still, and know that I am God.
Are you worried about something? Do you have hard decisions to make? God says, “Be still, and know that I am God.”
He wants you to acknowledge who He is. He is God. He can handle whatever situation you are facing. Be still. Rest in knowing who He is.