At choir practice the other night, we began by practicing a song I really like. But as the song started to play, static started coming from the speaker. We continued on with the song, and even though I love the song, I wasn’t able to enjoy it because of the static. I couldn’t focus on… Continue reading Static
I Know What You’ve Done
“I don't know what You're doing, but I know what You've done.” There’s peace and hope found in these words. These words are from a song by Shane & Shane, but the words speak the truth of Christ. Most of our lives, we are walking around not sure what to expect, not knowing what today… Continue reading I Know What You’ve Done
We can’t fool God into thinking we’re following Him. When I first read Numbers 22, it seemed like Balaam was following God’s command. People came to Balaam and wanted him to curse the people of Israel. God told him not to go and not to curse them. Balaam told the people that God had forbidden… Continue reading Balaam
There are times in our lives God commands us to move and times He commands us to be still. Sometimes it’s hard to be patient when you’ve been waiting for a long time. Sometimes it’s hard to keep moving when you’ve been on the go for a long time. But if we follow what God… Continue reading Journey
Let Your Light Shine
Blake walked by my piano and said, “It’s amazing how shiny that one pedal is!” I had never even noticed the difference in the pedals on my piano until he said that. And it was amazing how shiny the pedal was that I use every time I play the piano. The other two were brown… Continue reading Let Your Light Shine
Building Others Up
We are divided. People on every side want to blame and call names. How much healing could come if we listened to what God commanded us? “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths.” It doesn’t say a little. It doesn’t say you can if you’re right. It says, do not let… Continue reading Building Others Up
Dry Ground
Why is dry ground important? Three times in Exodus 14 the Bible tells us the Israelites walked through the sea on dry ground. The Bible could’ve just said they walked through the sea. The Israelites probably would’ve been ok with walking through the sea and the path being a little muddy. No one probably would’ve… Continue reading Dry Ground
Serving and Joy
The problem with some people is they hear “serving” and think it means a huge burden on them. When actually, the people who have real joy and blessings are the ones doing the serving. God’s plan is always for good for those who love him. For those willingly and faithfully serving him, his plans are… Continue reading Serving and Joy
So He Let Him Go
As I read Exodus Chapter 4 today, these verses made me stop and think: “And it came to pass on the way, at the encampment, that the Lord met him and sought to kill him. Then Zipporah took a sharp stone and cut off the foreskin of her son and cast it at Moses’ feet,… Continue reading So He Let Him Go
Do Good
Mammaw was the fastest potato peeler I’ve ever seen. I remember standing at her sink, watching her peel and cut a potato acting like it wasn’t hard to peel them that fast. As I peeled my potatoes tonight, I thought of her. That memory made my heart happy. It reminds me we don’t know what… Continue reading Do Good