Don’t underestimate the gifts God gives you. Whether it’s encouragement, prayer, cleaning up, singing, driving a van, teaching…whatever it is. Just because that gift may not look like someone else’s gift, doesn’t mean it can’t have a great impact for God. We don’t always see the results of our service to Christ. But we were… Continue reading Serving
I had to attend more funerals in 2024 than I would’ve liked. Probably for that reason Ecclesiastes 7:2 has been on my mind. It says: “Better to go to the house of mourning than to go to the house of feasting, For that is the end of all men; And the living will take it… Continue reading Funerals
Well Water
The temperature of water in a well doesn’t change. Despite whatever is going on outside, be it a blizzard with below zero temperatures or a blazing summer heat, the temperature in a well is largely unaffected by what’s going on around it. A person whose eyes are fixed on Christ and Heaven can have joy… Continue reading Well Water
Direction, Protection, and Guidance
How important are the words we say and the things we teach our kids? Proverbs 6:20 says, “My son, keep your father’s command, And do not forsake the law of your mother.” What we say, and what we teach our children should be their source of direction, protection, and guidance. That’s why it is so… Continue reading Direction, Protection, and Guidance
Don’t Follow Your Heart
Please don’t follow your heart. Marriages and families are torn apart because people follow their hearts. People miss out on God’s blessings because they follow their hearts. Don’t follow your heart. Follow God’s voice. These two are not the same. The Bible says, “The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can… Continue reading Don’t Follow Your Heart
Just A Flicker
Have you ever thought about how you just need a little light to help you see the way? I was walking through my house and went in the laundry room where it was dark. I had my phone in my hand and just touched the front of it so it would light up. I pointed… Continue reading Just A Flicker
Have You Considered My Servant?
Why did God bring up Job to Satan? “Then the Lord said to Satan, “Have you considered My servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil?”” Job 1:8 If that was me, I’d be begging God not to mention my… Continue reading Have You Considered My Servant?
The Gift Of Peace
How peaceful is your life right now? What’s consuming your thoughts? Is it presents and to-do lists? Is it how badly someone treated you? Is it social media or a tv show? Or planning your next trip? Seems like all these are normal things we tend to be focused on. But how peaceful are all… Continue reading The Gift Of Peace
Climb The Tree
Zacchaeus didn’t need to climb the tree for Jesus to see him. He needed to climb the tree so he could see Jesus. There’s a difference. Jesus is always there. He sees you and me. He knew the exact woman who had faith in him when the crowds were pressing against him. He knew the… Continue reading Climb The Tree
True Self Care
True Self Care Self care is a popular topic. So many people want to tell you what to do for yourself to take care of you. But true self care is found in God’s Word. And it’s not facials, or shopping, or going on a trip, or any of the many other things you hear… Continue reading True Self Care