I received two compliments this week that have stuck with me. They’ve been on my mind for the last couple of days. They reminded me of a few important truths. First, we’re all so unworthy. People might look at me and think I’ve got it all together. They might think I never speak a wrong… Continue reading What We Say To People Matters
God Sees You
Staying the course is hard sometimes. Especially when you don’t see the outcome you want to see. Especially when it seems like others are so successful. But you know what? God sees further than we see. God sees beyond what we comprehend. God sees how everything is going to work together. Even when we can’t.… Continue reading God Sees You
The Whirlwind
They have planted the wind and will harvest the whirlwind. Hosea 8:7 These words had never caught my attention like they did today. Hosea was talking about Israel. Instead of serving and following God, they were making idols and spending their time worshipping other things. It was a warning of what was to come for… Continue reading The Whirlwind
Unsolicited Marriage Advice
Make sure Christ is the center of your life. Make sure Christ is the center of the life of the person you choose to be with. It might not seem like a big deal now, but as hard things enter your life (and they will), Christ is the reason you will be able to endure… Continue reading Unsolicited Marriage Advice
Don’t wait to be thrown in…JUMP!
As I was reading Jonah today, I wondered why Jonah told the sailors to throw him into the sea. Instead, why didn’t Jonah just jump overboard? If he knew the storm was because of him and he knew the sea would become calm, why didn’t he just jump? Maybe it’s because Jonah was a lot… Continue reading Don’t wait to be thrown in…JUMP!
Eyes On The Prize
“Why should I keep showing up when so many others don’t make it a priority? Why should I keep serving? Why should I be dedicated when others don’t care? I’m tired. I’m frustrated. I’m discouraged.” This was a conversation I was having with myself. Then, God revealed something to me. What if Jesus would’ve asked… Continue reading Eyes On The Prize
Obedience And Shaky Hands
Man, I like to be comfortable. As soon as I get home I put comfy clothes or pjs on. I also like to be around people who make me comfortable. I like to be in places where I’m comfortable. I like to do things I’m comfortable doing. But I’ve learned if you’re a follower of… Continue reading Obedience And Shaky Hands
The Light
My 8 year old had a lot of questions about the upcoming eclipse today. I could tell he was nervous and uncertain about what was going to happen. He wanted to know if it was going to be completely dark and for how long. After assuring him it was going to be ok, I thought… Continue reading The Light
The Greatest Is Love
I made mashed potatoes tonight. I didn’t expect them to make me sad. But as I stirred a big, heaping mound of butter into them, I thought of Pappaw. And how much he loved mashed potatoes. It’s kind of like when I drink coffee, or make a cake, or a million other things that remind… Continue reading The Greatest Is Love
Model Christ
We can choose to constantly say yes to our desires. Say yes to all the expensive things. Say yes to all the trips. Say yes to all the big parties. Say yes to the clothes, shoes, coffees, etc. Say yes to just doing what WE want. And we will still not find contentment. Why is… Continue reading Model Christ