We can choose to constantly say yes to our desires. Say yes to all the expensive things. Say yes to all the trips. Say yes to all the big parties. Say yes to the clothes, shoes, coffees, etc. Say yes to just doing what WE want. And we will still not find contentment. Why is… Continue reading Model Christ
Unexplainable Love
I always thought Adam blamed Eve for eating the fruit in the Garden of Eden. But God revealed to me something new as I read these same verses a few days ago. The Bible says God asked Adam, “Have you eaten from the tree whose fruit I commanded you not to eat?” The man replied,… Continue reading Unexplainable Love
God Works Good Even In The Bad
God works good even in the bad. Maybe you’ve messed up… Maybe someone you love has messed up… God still works things for good even in the bad. Look at Jonah. When we retell the story of Jonah, we say God told Jonah to go to Nineveh but he went the other way. He gets… Continue reading God Works Good Even In The Bad
Growing In Faith
“Praying for a good day you.” That’s the message I sent my friend the other day. Seems like an easy thing to do right? Actually, this was my latest struggle in following Christ and being obedient to Him. I had to go to God and tell Him I didn’t know how I could pray this… Continue reading Growing In Faith
The reason I started playing piano at my church is because there was a need. I didn’t volunteer. I was asked and I begrudgingly did it. Every time I had to play I was a nervous wreck. I am the type to avoid any and all eyes on me. So being in the front of… Continue reading Serve
I’ve been thinking about what the devil is most threatened by. I don’t think it’s Sunday mornings. I don’t think it’s youth groups. I don’t think it’s VBS. I don’t think it’s prayer meetings. I don’t think it’s pastors or evangelists. I don’t think it’s praise and worship. I think the NUMBER ONE thing the… Continue reading Relationships
Honestly I’m the worst at fellowship. I thrive on quiet time alone. But there’s no getting around how important fellowship is as a believer. All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord’s Supper), and to prayer.Acts 2:42 Acts 2:42 says, “ALL the believers…”… Continue reading Fellowship
The Little Ravine
Do you have time for a story? This is a story about a little adventure the kids and I went on six weeks ago. And the reason I’m just telling it now is because my foot still hurts and is a reminder of this little outing; and I thought someone may need this reminder. It… Continue reading The Little Ravine
We Aren’t Promised Tomorrow
The fact we’re not promised tomorrow has been on my mind. And if I really dwell on it, I begin to feel worry and fear. But God reminded me of a beautiful truth today. We aren’t promised tomorrow. But we are promised eternal life with Jesus when we give our lives to Him. No, tomorrow… Continue reading We Aren’t Promised Tomorrow
Pray For Them
As I was drivingto work this morning,I noticed someoneI recognizedpulling outof their driveway. This person recently lost their spouse. This person is someone I’ve been praying for. But seeing them leaving their house, hit me different this morning. I couldn’t stop thinkingabout the pain and lonelinessthis person and their familyare having to endure. And on… Continue reading Pray For Them