“Dear God, I’m scared to be used by You.”
I prayed this prayer today.
And I KNOW God tells us over and over again in His word not to be afraid.
But the thing is, if you’re afraid, He already knows it.
If something’s worrying you, He sees it.
We can’t pretend with God.
He knows our hearts.
He knows our minds.
He knows everything.
So I prayed this prayer:
“Dear God, I’m scared to be used by You. Please increase and strengthen my faith. Help me not to be afraid.”
I didn’t have to list why I was afraid. He already knows.
I didn’t have to list the what if’s…what if I get sick? Or my husband or children get sick? Or you tell me to go somewhere I don’t want to go? Or (gasp….)You ask me to speak in public?
How can I expect to be used by God when I just want to be comfortable?
Truthfully, I want to be used by God under my own conditions. Behind the scenes, where it’s comfortable.
I’m the girl who will always, always choose comfort over fashion…Just ask my daughters!
Fleece, sherpas, soft robes and pjs…they’re all my friends…
But I know to truly follow God, and surrender to His will, it’s going to require getting uncomfortable.
If something is worrying you; if you’re afraid; pray for God to help you.
He loves you more than anything, and is just waiting for you to quit trying to do things on your own.
He says, “Take up your cross and follow me.” He tells us it’s not going to be easy.
But He promises us it will be worth it.
“However, as it is written: “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived” — the things God has prepared for those who love him—. 1 Corinthians 2:9