Everyone’s Struggling…Be Kind

I was stopped at a red light today with my kids in the car. We were talking about the places we needed to go and the food we were going to eat for lunch. 

The red light was one of those that lasted for.ever…

I happened to glance over to the car on my left and noticed a woman crying. I quickly turned away as my kids were asking me questions and laughing. 

A few moments went by, we were still stopped, and I glanced at the woman again. This time she had her hand over her mouth trying to hold back the sobs. 

She was shaking. 

All I could do was say a prayer for her. Praying that God would be with her and help her with whatever was causing her this pain. 

The light turned green and I watched as she drove away with tears in her eyes. 

My kids were oblivious to this scene as I’m sure we all are so much of the time. 

How many times are we right next to someone who is falling apart on the inside and we don’t even know it?

Maybe some times they are really good at hiding it, but maybe sometimes we are too caught up in our own lives to notice or care about what someone else is going through. 

My heart hurt for this woman. 

And I’m thankful that while I couldn’t comfort her directly, God is able to comfort her. 

He is close to the broken-hearted. 

Sometimes the only thing we can do is pray. 

But how many times could we do more, and we just don’t?

I want to try to be more aware of the people around me. To the needs of those around me. I want to be a shoulder to cry on or a listening ear. 

Lord, help me be Your hands and feet because everyone is having a hard time. 

Ok Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2

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