“Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice…” 1 Samuel 15:22
There’s a great song called “Breathe” by Jonny Diaz. One phrase of the song says, “Lay down what’s good, and find what’s best.”
We often have good intentions.
We want to help others.
We help a little here. We help a little there.
We donate some money for this cause.
We volunteer our time for another.
All these things are good.
But God wants our best.
This doesn’t mean we have to be the best.
Instead, He wants what is best for us.
He knows what is best.
Sometimes, we spend time doing really good things, but they aren’t necessarily the things that God wants us to be doing.
On the outside, we can look like we are serving God in every way imaginable.
And that is the problem.
We get caught up in having a checklist of all these things we do to “look good” for God.
But friends, He knows.
He knows when we are doing them with the right attitude.
He knows when we are doing some things and avoiding other things that He has asked us to do.
He says, “Obedience is better than sacrifice.”
We tend to think that bigger is better.
We often forget that God can turn one small act of obedience into something bigger than we can possibly dream.
We all have moments we can feel God wanting us to do something. It’s often very small. We may ignore it because we think it is insignificant.
But God wants us to know, that “obedience is better than sacrifice.”
In Mark Chapter 5, we are told about a man who is possessed by demons. We are told he would “cry out and cut himself with stones.” He lived in the graveyard. He was alone.
When Jesus came near, He commanded the evil spirits to come out. And they did.
The man was completely healed.
When it was time for Jesus to go, the man wanted to go with Him. I’m sure he was overjoyed that he was no longer alone and suffering, and wanted to serve Jesus, and be with Him.
His intentions were good.
But Jesus didn’t let the man go with Him.
Instead He gave these instructions. “Go home to your own people and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.”
I’m sure the man was disappointed. I’m sure after experiencing this miracle that he wanted to be wherever Jesus was.
But you know what? He didn’t pout. He didn’t question Jesus. He didn’t get angry.
He obeyed.
The Bible says, “So the man went away and began to tell in the Decapolis how much Jesus had done for him. And all the people were amazed.” Mark 5:18-20
If there are areas where you know God is calling you to do something, do it.
This may mean scaling back on other “good” things. But being obedient is what we are called to do.
Sometimes we have to “lay down what’s good, and find what’s best.”
“Walk in obedience to all I command you, that it may go well with you.” Jeremiah 7:23