When I went to wake up these two cuties this morning, the first thought that came to my mind was “How beautiful heaven must be!”
Because when I look at these two, my heart overflows with love. When I look at these two, my heart overflows with thankfulness.
It’s amazing to think that God loves us more than we love our children or our spouses! It’s amazing to think that God would give up His only son for us! It’s amazing to think that no matter what seems like heaven here on Earth, it will not even begin to compare to what awaits us in heaven!
However, as it is written: “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived” — the things God has prepared for those who love him– 1 Corinthians 2:9
“We read of a place that’s called heaven,
It’s made for the pure and the free;
These truths in God’s word He has given,
How beautiful heaven must be.
How beautiful heaven must be
Sweet home of the happy and free;
Fair haven of rest for the weary,
How beautiful heaven must be.
In heaven no drooping nor pining,
No wishing for elsewhere to be;
God’s light is forever, there shining,
How beautiful heaven must be.
How beautiful heaven must be
Sweet home of the happy and free;
Fair haven of rest for the weary,
How beautiful heaven must be.
The angels so sweetly are singing,
Up there by the beautiful sea;
Sweet chords from their gold harps are ringing,
How beautiful heaven must be.
How beautiful heaven must be
Sweet home of the happy and free;
Fair haven of rest for the weary,
How beautiful heaven must be”