Pray in the school pick up line.
Pray in the drive thru.
Pray on your drive to work.
Pray at work.
Pray at home while you’re feeding your kids.
Pray while you play with them.
Pray while you brush your teeth.
Pray when someone has a prayer request.
The devil wants you to think that you need to be alone to pray;
That you need to have a special time set aside;
That you need to be in a mind set of holiness.
He wants you to believe that God doesn’t want your prayers if He doesn’t have your full attention.
He’s hoping you will put off praying until you find that perfect moment; hoping that you will never find the time.
But he is a liar.
He knows the power of prayer.
He knows that God honors all prayers prayed to Him with a sincere heart.
He knows that the prayers of a righteous person are powerful and effective. James 5:16
He knows that his biggest enemy is a person devoted to prayer and thanksgiving to the Lord.
God tells us to pray without ceasing, and to pray in the Spirit on all occasions.
Of course, it’s important to spend quiet time in prayer; seeking guidance from the Lord.
But we have been given responsibilities in this life. We have families, jobs, and activities. God recognizes the important work of parents. He recognizes the importance of hard work. He tells us that whatever we do, work at it with our whole being as if working for Him.
God wants to bless us. He wants to help us. He wants us to pray continually because He wants a constant relationship with us.
Maybe you haven’t prayed in a long time.
Maybe you feel far away from God.
God is waiting to hear from you.
Don’t wait for a perfect moment.
Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. James 4:8
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