I spent way too much time tonight looking at my Christmas list;
Figuring out what I still needed to buy; doing some late-night ordering on Amazon; making sure each kid had about the same number of presents; semi-stressing that one of them didn’t have “enough.”
We have good intentions. We want our kids to have amazing Christmases. We want our families to love the gifts we give.
But friends, the devil sees this time as an opportunity, and he takes full advantage.
He wants you to think your kids don’t have enough presents.
He wants you to spend hours trying to find the perfect gifts.
He wants you to spend lots of money on things that aren’t really needed.
He wants your mind to be consumed by your lists, your worry, and your stress.
I would be embarrassed to admit how much time I’ve spent making sure I’ve bought everything for everyone on my list; my mind sometimes consumed with the unfinished items I still need to buy.
And the devil loves it.
He knows if he can keep me thinking I need to buy my child just one more gift to make it even, it might keep me from buying something for someone in need.
Maybe, if I’m so consumed with finding the best gift for each person on my list I won’t make time to stop and think of ways I can be a blessing to others this season.
Maybe if he can get me to only focus on this list, this oh-so important list, maybe I won’t have time to focus on God and His precious gift of Jesus.
He wants to distract you.
He will use good things.
Things that by themselves aren’t bad.
But we make them bad when we spend too much time on them; when we make them a priority over things that should be our real priorities.
Be aware. Can you recognize the devil’s crafty attacks?
He wants to keep you far from God. He wants to keep you out of His Word. He doesn’t want you to have time to pray.
If you notice a growing distance this Christmas, it might be time to refocus.
Let your family see an example in you of a life lived with God at the center of it all.
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:21