As I was driving
to work this morning,
I noticed someone
I recognized
pulling out
of their driveway.
This person recently lost their spouse.
This person is someone I’ve been praying for.
But seeing them leaving their house, hit me different this morning.
I couldn’t stop thinking
about the pain and loneliness
this person and their family
are having to endure.
And on top of that,
they aren’t just staying
at home and hiding.
They are choosing
to get up and do things
when probably all they want
to do is hide away.
This person stayed behind me
all the way until I turned
at my road for work.
And I prayed for them.
Because as much pain and loss
as they are facing,
God is still able to comfort them.
God is still able to strengthen them.
God is still able to bind up their wounds.
God is still able to give them a peace that passes understanding.
Friends, don’t stop praying for the people around you.
You don’t have to be good friends
with the people you’re praying for.
The person I was praying for today
probably wouldn’t know who I was
if they saw me in a store.
It doesn’t matter.
Pray for anyone and everyone you can.
This was just one person who I noticed this morning.
But I wonder what the person
in the car in front of me is facing?
I wonder what the people
in the cars beside me are going through?
Sometimes we feel like we don’t do enough,
but we can always pray
and be aware
of the people around us.
God tells us
to pray in the Spirit
on all occasions
with all kinds of prayers
and requests.
Ephesians 6:18
He tells us to pray continually.
1 Thessalonians 5:17
And if your heart is aching
for someone going through
a devastating loss
or if you’re going through
a devastating loss,
God promises that
He heals the broken-hearted
and binds up their wounds.
Psalm 147:3