My daughter will start high school in the fall.
She’s struggled with some decisions regarding classes to take and sports to play. I know she’s been thinking about it a lot and wants to make the best decisions.
She asked me what I thought she should do, and I asked her if she had prayed about it.
I reminded her that God wants us to take our questions and worries to Him.
It was like a weight was lifted off of her as she realized she didn’t have to have all of the answers.
After she made her decisions, she didn’t seem worried. Instead, she seemed confident.
We all need to be reminded that God wants us to bring it all to Him.
Give yourself a break. You don’t have to always know what to do or how to do it.
But seek the One who does.
God tells us, “Don’t be wise in your own eyes.” Proverbs 3:7
God tells us, “Lean not on your own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5
James 1:5 says if we lack wisdom, ask God who gives generously.
It can be overwhelming when we have big decisions to make or problems we’re facing.
But when we pray, He will help us.
God doesn’t want us to be anxious about anything; He wants us to seek Him through prayer and giving thanks; and He will give us peace in our circumstances that passes understanding. Philippians 4:6,7