What If I Died Tomorrow?
Sometimes events remind us how short life really is; and I start to think about this question.
Not because I think I’m going to, or because I’m worried that it could happen, but because I want to make sure I’ve done my best with the time I’ve been given.
I want to make sure I’m not wasting time on things that won’t matter.
What if I died tomorrow?
Would my kids be ok?
Did their dad and I lay the foundation that was needed, and speak truth in them in order to withstand the pain?
Will they see me as an example of God’s love or a hypocrite?
Will they know just how much I love them?
Will they know the things they need in order to thrive as adults? But even more, would the truth of Jesus be engrained in them?
What if I died tomorrow?
Would my parents know I loved them?
Would they be proud of who I am?
Would my friends say that I was a good friend?
Would there be broken relationships forever left unsettled?
What if I died tomorrow?
Would my husband know how much he means to me, and the magnitude of my love for him?
Would he know how much I appreciate all that he does for our family?
Would he know how thankful I am that God gave him to me?
What if I died tomorrow?
Would God say that I showed kindness and love to others?
Would God say that I chose forgiveness over resentment?
What if I died tomorrow?
Would anything that God asked me to do be left undone?
Did I spend the time that He gave me doing what He asked of me?
What if I died tomorrow?
Would the world be any different than it was before?
We know that earthly things will pass away. 1 John 2:17 But God promises us that when we devote ourselves to His work, it will not be in vain. 1 Corinthians 15:58
Yes, these thoughts have been lingering.
We don’t know when this day will be our last. So I will examine my life. I will find the answers to the questions.
And if I don’t like the answers to some of these questions, I can make a change.
Because God has given me today, and I am so very thankful.
“Only one life, ’twill soon be past,Only what’s done for Christ will last.”C.T. Studd