Today I had to go to the dreaded Super Walmart; A place I usually avoid like the plague; And one of the reasons I think online grocery order and curbside pickup are the greatest ideas ever.
As I entered the madness, I did what I usually do: avoided as much eye contact as possible with everyone.
But as I hurried to get the things I needed, I noticed just about everyone else was doing the same thing to me! In fact, it was like they didn’t even know I was there; like they were looking straight through me.
And for some reason, in that moment, I thought about Jesus.
What if Jesus went to Walmart?
We know He wouldn’t be avoiding people. He had crowds of people who followed Him. And probably the ones we most try to avoid would be the ones He would hang out with and help.
So, I decided to actually look at the people I passed by.
These people all have a life and a story and hard things they are facing, just like me.
If we slow down and notice the people around us we might see:
the widowed, older gentleman who seems lost on an aisle trying to find what his wife used to buy;
We might see:
the mom going through a divorce with three kids by her side, hanging by a thread;
We might see:
the guy smiling on the outside but dealing with depression on the inside.
And we might just begin to feel compassion when we finally “see” people.
A simple smile might be what they need.
Offering to help might lighten their struggle.
Something small to make a difference in their day.
I’m not going to lie, it’s a struggle for me to want to talk to people. I would rather mind my own business and go on my way.
But Jesus said we should go and make disciples out of all nations.
Jesus gave us the example of being around people and having love and compassion for them.
So when it goes against our very nature, all we can do is pray for God to help us.
Maybe just start with praying for more patience.
Maybe just pray for God to help us “see” people.
And most of all, we pray for the power that is inside us – the power that rose Jesus from the dead, for that power to help us in our weaknesses.
We can’t love people if we don’t take the time to “see” them.
Jesus gave us the example.
And He gave us instructions to love one another.
But thank God, He didn’t leave it up to us to do it alone.
He put His spirit inside us to be able to accomplish all He asks us to do.
Even at the dreaded Super Walmart.
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and self-control. 2 Timothy 1:7