I think we tend to go around seeking to do “great” things.
We make big plans. We want to help in great ways. We want to greatly succeed.
And it’s good to dream big. But sometimes trying to do “great” things can be overwhelming.
Acts 10:38 says Jesus “went around doing good.”
I was talking with someone yesterday about one of their friends and I said, “What if part of God’s purpose for your life, is just being a good influence in their life?”
What if that’s true for all of us?
What if we live each day by doing good things? Nothing flashy. Maybe not in the spotlight. Maybe the good you do isn’t seen by anyone at all.
Maybe it’s simply living a humble life for Jesus.
Choosing to do the right thing. Taking the straight path. Being kind. Including everyone. Being a good example.
God will do great things through us, when we are willing to do good things that He calls us to do.
When you find yourself exhausted from “doing” maybe it’s time to focus on “being.”
Being a shoulder to cry on.
Being a listening ear.
Being a friend that is always there.
Being a light pointing others to Jesus.
And God’s ways are perfect.
When we encourage; when we lift up; when we speak life into someone; God will strengthen us.
He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed. Proverbs 11:25
Thank you for this, it hit me right where I am. I feel like I don’t do BIG enough things to count for the kingdom. I truly want to serve God in a way that will impact others. I need to stop thinking how big something is and just be faithful with whatever circumstances He puts me in.
Yes, be faithful in the small things. Go around doing good. I think we make it too hard sometimes… Thank you for the comment! 🙂
God loves me just the way I am! Big time!