I was driving along, thinking about a verse I really liked. The verse says, “Fools give full vent to their rage, but the wise bring calm in the end.” Proverbs 29:11
I thought to myself- I know several people who really need to read this verse!….
And as soon as that thought came to my mind, God convicted me.
It was as if he was saying,
“What about you?
You’re pretty good at controlling your temper,but what about forgiving those who’ve wronged you?
You’re pretty good at hiding my words in your heart, but what about opening your home up to strangers?”
We all have faults, and it’s easy to point out someone else’s when we don’t struggle with those same things ourselves.
But we ALL struggle with something.
We need to focus more on our own relationship with God, and less on other peoples’ shortcomings.
Let’s offer grace.
Let’s offer compassion.
Let’s seek Christ in our lives, and let him transform us and our relationships with others.
When we’re all focused on becoming more like Christ, our relationship with him will be strengthened and we will be better equipped to love those around us like Jesus.