You can achieve the goal
You can win the race
You can get the dream job
You can get the dream house
You can go on that dream trip
You can buy that thing you always wanted
But none of it will bring you lasting joy.
The feelings will be temporary.
And eventually you won’t be satisfied even after getting these things.
Don’t waste your time chasing after it all, if the only reason you want it is because you think it will fulfill you.
The only way to have true, never-ending joy is to have Jesus.
Because circumstances change.
There will be highs and lows.
It doesn’t mean you won’t ever feel sad.
But you know you are victorious over it all.
Every struggle in this life is temporary.
A glorious, eternal future with no more tears in the presence of Jesus and loved ones awaits us.
Jesus is our true joy.
I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.
John 15:11