I love the song “Who am I.” One portion of a verse says, “Who am I that a king would bleed and die for? Who am I that He would pray not my will thine for?” When I think about how God loved me so much, that he was willing to give his one and only son, I think ‘Who am I?’
I am a wife to the perfect man for me. I am a mother to the four best kids anyone could have. I’m a daughter, a daughter-in-law, a granddaughter, a sister, a sister-in-law, an aunt, a niece, and a friend.
God has given me the ability to worship him through serving as pianist at our church. I am also passionate about children. Compassion International is a ministry close to my heart, as through them our family has expanded all the way to the Philippines. I also love to take pictures (mainly of my kids), and write when I feel like God has put something on my heart.
I am thankful God has also put it in my heart to be in constant prayer for my loved ones, and others who are hurting. My prayer is that this will be a place where you can find encouragement, strength, and help. A place where we can pray for each other, and mountains will be moved in order that God will be glorified!
I completely believe that God created me to bring glory to Him. I also believe that God loves everyone and wants to have a personal relationship with each of us. In order to bring him glory, I want to seek his purpose for my life. While I may not always know exactly what God has planned for me, or what steps I should take, I can follow God where he has made it clear.
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength…and Love your neighbor as yourself.” Mark 12:30,31
He has also shown us what is good, “To act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8
Now I will serve my God; this potent pen of mine, dedicated to the Most High; shall weave into my marvelous stories things that shall enlighten, convince, and lead to Jesus.
C.H. Spurgeon