Why Tithe?

God doesn’t need your money.  He is able to do far more than we can imagine without our help. So what’s the point in tithing? 

It seems like tithing is a topic that churches like to avoid talking about. They don’t want to seem pushy or make anyone feel bad. But I believe tithing is bigger than giving a portion of our money to the church. Statistics show that only 10-25 percent of people in any congregation tithe. And the average amount that Christians give to the church is 2.5 percent. Also, tithing in the church is down 50 percent from 1990. 

Why does this matter? Because tithing has less to do about giving money, and more to do about having faith and giving thanks to God.  If we view tithing as simply a bill that we should pay, we have less reason to actually do it. If we pay it because we feel guilty and obligated, we are tithing for the wrong reasons.

In the past I’ve been guilty of tithing out of habit or a feeling of obligation. But recently, tithing has taken on a new meaning for me. Tithing to me is a chance to show my faith in God, and give Him thanks. There is always a need for the money we make. Times can be tough, and we can find ourselves struggling to make ends meet. We justify not tithing by saying we can’t afford to. But friends, we can’t afford not to! 

Remember that God has given you everything that you have. He only asks for a tenth of all that He gives back. And He doesn’t ask because He needs it. He asks to see if you have faith that He will provide for you. He asks to see if you will be obedient to Him. Will you be found faithful? Maybe you say to yourself, “I’ll give when I am financially stable.” That’s great, but when you are struggling and still make the choice to give even amongst the struggles you are facing, God will see that and bless you. 

So first, make the choice to be faithful to do what God has asked you to do despite your circumstances. 

Then, be thankful. Thank God as you give. Thank Him for everything. Thank Him for your family, your health, your job, your friends, your home, for answered prayers, for everything He has blessed you with. When you thank him as you give, you will realize that tithing is actually a form of praise to God. 

If tithing is showing faith and giving praise to God, we need more than 25 percent of us doing it. We don’t need faith and thankfulness decreasing by 50 percent. We need to be thankful. We are called to be thankful. 

“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18 

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