
Honestly I’m the worst at fellowship.

I thrive on quiet time alone.

But there’s no getting around how important fellowship is as a believer.

All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord’s Supper), and to prayer.
‭‭Acts 2‬:‭42‬

Acts 2:42 says, “ALL the believers…”

All of them. Not the extroverts. Not the single believers. Not the most skilled believers. All the believers.

All the believers devoted themselves to the teachings by the apostles.

They devoted themselves to fellowship.

They devoted themselves to sharing in meals.

They devoted themselves to prayer.

I read that and think…I’m pretty decent at being devoted to Bible study. I’m pretty decent at being devoted to prayer. But sometimes I fall short on fellowship and sharing meals with all my fellow believers.

Maybe you’re awesome at fellowship, but could do better in your prayer life.

Maybe you’re great at Bible study, but haven’t shared a meal with anyone lately.

We tend to rank how important these things are but the Bible tells us that these believers devoted themselves to all of them. Bible study, prayer, fellowship, and meals together.

Thankfully, God will help us where we fall short if we ask Him.

And when we’re devoted like the believers of old, we can expect the same results…

“And each day the Lord added to their fellowship those who were being saved.” Acts 2:47

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