Fifteen years ago, my first daughter was born. She was our pride and joy and could be considered our “princess.” But 11 years ago, God gave me Princess.

She wasn’t my first daughter, or my second, or my third… she was a little (almost) four year old girl from the Philippines, and her name was Princess.
The radio station that I listened to was trying to get children sponsored through Compassion International. They talked about how you could make a difference in a child’s life; how through your sponsorship, they could get food, an education, and they could learn about Jesus. I thought it sounded like a great idea. I don’t really remember praying about the decision to sponsor a child. I just did it. I thought it would be good for my two and four year old girls to be aware of the needs of others.
I had no idea that 11 years later, we would still be sponsoring that little girl, and watching her grow into a beautiful, young lady. My first picture of her showed a scared, sad, little toddler. And for several years after, when I would receive pictures, she still had a look of sadness on her face.
Because she was so young, her mother, Mely, wrote letters to me about Princess, and I would write letters back. I always looked forward to getting a letter in the mail from Compassion to hear how they were doing. Each letter expressed how she always prayed for God to bless me and my family.
As the years passed, Princess began writing the letters. She liked to hear about Cassie, Kinley, Riley and Camden. She was always asking about what sports they liked and their favorite subjects in school. But like her mother, she would always include in her letters that she was praying for me and my family, and that she thanked God for us.
On October 1, 2016 she wrote my favorite letter. It told how she had learned about Jesus, and she had received Him as Lord and Savior of her life. What a wonderful day! My biggest prayer for her had been answered.
Princess will be fifteen this August. Now, when I get pictures of her, she is smiling. Every communication is joyful. She is so much like my other children. She loves the same music. She loves sports. (And actually is really good at running!) She wanted basketball shoes and a basketball for her birthday this year, and we were able to honor her birthday wish. She has big dreams to be a nurse. It makes my heart happy to watch her grow, and become the person God created her to be.
I’m not sure where Princess would be if we hadn’t sponsored her 11 years ago, and I’m not sure where my family would be either. The money is necessary for her support, but the prayers are beyond value. Knowing that there is a family praying, every day, for me, my husband, and my children is something that money can’t buy! I am forever thankful for their prayers.
I believe without a doubt that the prayers of Mely, Princess, and her family have brought protection, health, and prosperity to our lives.
Compassion has been an investment in my family and in the life of our precious Princess. 11 years ago we didn’t know what this sponsorship had in store for us.
Now, we know it is filled with all of the things that really matter in this life – family, joy, and love.
“Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done.” Proverbs 19:17