When we see the word “humble” we don’t automatically think of “power.”
But being humble is often overlooked.
Power is the product of humility.
When we humble ourselves, God will lift us up. James 4:10
He shows favor to the humble. Proverbs 3:34
Sometimes it takes great strength to be humble. Strength found only in reliance on God.
The Bible says, “where there is strife (conflict, angry disagreement) there is pride.” Proverbs 13:10-12
Maybe someone has wronged you. You want to get angry, maybe tell them what you think, or get back at them.
What if we humble ourselves?
Realizing that being right is less important than loving and forgiving.
Realizing that just because you feel like they “deserve it,” obedience to God is worth more than what you “think” they deserve.
Humility is about lowering yourself, in order for God to be lifted up.
When you turn the other cheek, when you don’t get even, when you continue doing good things, when you put others before yourselves; people are watching you.
People will want to know the reason for your behavior; behavior that is completely opposite of what the world tells us to do.
When we lower ourselves, it can only raise others up. It can only raise God up.
Humility is a sign of maturity in Christ.
God promises wisdom to those who are humble. Proverbs 11:2
Ecclesiastes says, “here is the conclusion of the matter: fear God and keep His commandments. For this is the duty of all mankind.”
How do we fear God?
Proverbs 22:4 says, “Humility IS the fear of the Lord.”
So humility is required. It’s not easy.
But I thank God we don’t have to do it on our own.
Pray for God to help you be humble. Pray for God to take away your pride. The Bible says over and over that God opposes the proud.
Let our prayer be, “God, take away our pride, and give us a humble heart.”
Humility’s wages are “riches and honor and life.”Proverbs 22:4