Your Mission Isn’t Their Mission

Doesn’t it sometimes seem like other people are doing more to bring God glory? Despite how much you seem to try to follow God?

You see famous people, famous speakers, even preachers and it seems like they are doing so much more.

But your mission isn’t their mission.

You can only do what God has given YOU to do.

In the gospel of John, chapter 3, some of John the Baptist’s disciples came and told him that Jesus was baptizing and all the people were going to Him.

But John wasn’t jealous, mad, or hurt that people were going to Jesus. John said, “A person can receive only what is given them from heaven.”

John knew what his purpose was. He knew that the ultimate goal was pointing people to Jesus.

Seek God.

Do what He’s calling you to do.

Don’t try to be someone else.

You can only receive what God’s given YOU.

When you do this, God will be glorified.

“He must become greater; I must become less.”John 3:30

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