Growing In Faith

“Praying for a good day you.”

That’s the message I sent my friend the other day.

Seems like an easy thing to do right?

Actually, this was my latest struggle in following Christ and being obedient to Him.

I had to go to God and tell Him I didn’t know how I could pray this prayer and mean it.

He knows my heart anyway.

God doing good in someone else’s life doesn’t take away from the good He can do in yours.

Sometimes we get jealous.

Sometimes we get prideful.

But as God’s church, we are supposed to be unified.

We are supposed to want the best for our neighbor, even if it seems like we are losing out on something if they are gaining.

Because God can give them exactly what they need, and us exactly what we need.

And if you’re struggling with this like I was, tell God.

I had to come to Him and say, “God, you know my heart. You know I don’t even know how to sincerely pray for this person, please help me.”

And He revealed my heart.

He revealed I was prideful in thinking that my way was best.

He revealed if I wanted to grow in my relationship with Him, I had to trust that He can work it out for good for them and for me.

If I wanted to grow in my relationship with Him and with the church, I had to be willing to want what’s best for my neighbor even more than I wanted what I thought was best.

He revealed He wants me to have faith that He has plans for me. And His plans are to prosper me. He will lead me and guide me as long as I’m seeking and trusting Him.

As Christ’s church, as believers in Christ, we share the same goal of glorifying and uplifting Christ.

We share the same goal of telling others about the hope we have.

No matter where we are.

No matter who we are.

We are united through Christ and must work together to be the Church God created us to be.

“So we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.” Romans 12:5

“Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church. He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.” Ephesians 4:15-16

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