“Anyone can buy or build a house; it takes God to put joy in it.” Phylicia Masonheimer No promotion No proposal No achievement No car No house No vacation No status None can bring you true joy. Because joy isn’t found in attaining material things. Joy is a product of having Jesus. Joy isn’t dependent… Continue reading Finding Joy
Come And See
In the first Chapter of John, John’s disciples asked Jesus where he was staying, and Jesus said, “Come and see.” Then, Jesus’ disciple Philip went and found his friend Nathanael and told him about Jesus. When he was skeptical, Philip’s reply was, “Come and see.” The Lesson: If you are seeking Christ, His response is… Continue reading Come And See
Be Encouraged
I was reading in John, Chapter 7 and verse 30 stuck out to me. “Then the leaders tried to arrest him; but no one laid a hand on him, because his time had not yet come.” And I thought to myself… Why couldn’t they get their hands on him? How could he have escaped if… Continue reading Be Encouraged
Where True Joy Is Found
You can achieve the goalYou can win the raceYou can get the dream jobYou can get the dream houseYou can go on that dream tripYou can buy that thing you always wanted But none of it will bring you lasting joy. The feelings will be temporary.And eventually you won’t be satisfied even after getting these… Continue reading Where True Joy Is Found
For The Good Of Others
I’ve been on the go all day today. Running errands, picking up things I need, going to the bank, escape-proofing the bunny cage, etc. I finally have a moment to stop as I sit in the school pick-up line. I start to read 1 Corinthians and come to this verse…“Don’t be concerned for your own… Continue reading For The Good Of Others
No One Is Worthy
If I sing a song to worship my Savior, does it matter who wrote it? If I hear a message preached and my heart is moved by the Holy Spirit, does it matter who’s preaching? If I watch a show that draws me closer to Jesus, does it matter who created the show? I’ve heard… Continue reading No One Is Worthy
Apart From Me…
You know those seasons where you feel like you’re failing? You don’t fee like you’re a good enough parent. Or spouse. Or daughter or son. Or maybe you don’t feel like you’re a good enough employee. I was thinking about that today. And it’s a hard feeling. You want to do better. You want to… Continue reading Apart From Me…
The house we’re living in is our temporary home while we build. So it’s ok that our closet space is minimal. It’s ok that things are a little cramped. It’s ok that our furniture doesn’t match and every room isn’t decorated. It’s ok that some things are inconvenient now. Because I know we’re in a… Continue reading Temporary
A Heart Of Worship
I think we get it wrong sometimes. We love God. … but we get it wrong. We sit down to read His word and our mind wanders. We stop to pray, but we aren’t focused. We go to church and sing and pray with our movements resembling that of a robot. We get it wrong.… Continue reading A Heart Of Worship
The Gracious Hand of God
I want the gracious hand of God on me. Don’t you? I’ve been reading through Ezra and Nehemiah, and over and over, statements like, “The gracious hand of our God was on us” or “the gracious hand of God had been on me” are common phrases. And I read that… and think how much I… Continue reading The Gracious Hand of God